Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Check out what's happening at my store....
Sunday, August 22, 2010
PSC on the news!!!
A Little Something...
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
A Day in the Life.....
Monday, August 9, 2010
Jean Pocket Pot Holder Tutorial
You will need:
1 pair used jeans
cotton batting (is best, but not essential)
contrasting fabric
measuring straight edge
sewing supplies (thread, scissors, pins, machine, ect.)
Using the straight edge, draw around the pocket of the jeans. I try to make the finished square a "normal" size, I don't like thinking too hard while sewing, so I stay to whole or 1/4 inches..
Now we are going to cut those pockets out on the line. Just like in grade school!
Time to size out the contrasting fabric. You are going to cut a piece of the contrasting fabric the same width, but add 4 inches to the length.
With the right sides together, pin the edge of the contrasting fabric to the top edge of the pocket (where the opening is).
Now you are going to stitch right NEXT to the opening of the pocket. I use my zipper foot to get right up there NEXT to the opening WITHOUT stitching it shut. Don't forget to back stitch on both sides.
After pressing the seam you just stitched flat, you are going to match up the bottom edges of the contrasting fabric and the pocket with the RIGHT sides together. This will give you a nice boarder across the top edge.
(Okay, I did forget the detailed picture of this step... sorry!)
In this step we are going to create the insulation to protect your hands while using these pot holders. I like to lay the folded piece from step 6 on the extra denim. My favorite combo is 2 pieces of denim with a piece of cotton batting in the middle, but you can use 4 layers of denim instead of the cotton batting. (NEVER use polyester batting, it melts!)
Next we are going to make a pot holder sandwich. On the table top you lay one piece of denim insulation, with one piece of cotton batting on top of it, then another piece of denim, topped by the contrast/pocket piece with the contrast fabric facing down. Pin a few spots to hold together.
Next you are going to sew around the edge of the sandwich. Again, I like to use my zipper foot to get nice and close to the edge and have a nice finish. Start at the top folded edge, sew down the whole side, across the bottom and about half way up the other side. Make sure you leave yourself enough room to turn the whole thing right side out, these are thick fabrics!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Camera Fun
HOT Cars!
I LOVE HOT Cars!!!!

Ok, this is a family blog so I can't tell you haw fabulous THAT makes me feel! But let's just say that there are FEW things I have even experienced that makes me fly as high!
So it was with absolute DISGUST that I followed this today....
We headed North on Highway 1, which is a BLAST to drive, and I would have LOVED to be driving it in one of those fun cars, but I had my mommy car since I had all the kids with me. But don't feel too bad, I still had fun! But the funniest thing was that we passed SO MANY Chargers today! Seriously, it was HILARIOUS!! We had to have seen at least 30 of them today! I was drooling at first. Then I was thinking that there must have been some convention or something. Then it was just like God was teasing me. But the funniest thing was that for every Charger (my hot car top pick) we passed, we passed a Mustang Convertible (Faline's hot car top pick... yea, yea she is much more down home than I am!)... God was so teasing both of us, and man were we having fun with it!!
So the lesson of the day? Mommy LOVES hot cars and funky music!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Stupid Blogger!!!!
NO MATTER WHAT I did, I could NOT get the last post to space and size right.... Stupid Blogger!
So instead of continuing to argue with it here are the last few lines!
"The bad news is that Tead, the brace maker is on vacation now!
What is it? Summer or something?
But he KNOWS we would like them as soon as he is humanly able to finish them, so we are praying for a miracle and less than 4-6 weeks :)
And Nat did get to pick out his new plastic.... SPORTS BALLS of course :)"
The brace saga
Well, he does. And part of what that looks like to us is that Nathaniel has to wear braces on his feet to walk. He wears and SMO on one leg and a DAFO on the other side. These are custom made, EXPENSIVE braces and not long ago we had a TRAGIC accident with the one of Nathaniel's braces.

But recently it has taken on a very broken form. One Friday after surfing I asked one of the older kids to take all of the wet things out of the car and wash out the wet suits and stuff. In my brain "stuff" meant the braces and water shoes, but I must have not communicated that well. The older kid took everything out of the trunk of the car and washed out the wet suits.... but she left the braces and water shoes right outside of the the trunk of the car. Fast forward a bit after we all had naps and we needed to run a quick errand. I rushed the kids to the car, got everyone buckled in and jumped in the car to take off.
I never walked BEHIND the car.....
So of course as I was backing up out of the driveway I heard a loud CRUNCH....
Looking in the rear view mirror I saw a horrible look on the older child's face and tears in her eyes....
I said "That was what I think it was wasn't it?"
Horrible ACCIDENT.
One of those things that none of us planned, no one wanted to happen and no one was at fault. Just an accident. But something that would have to be dealt with.
Never in a million years did I think it would be such a NIGHTMARE to deal with! First there was the therapist that was on vacation so she couldn't make the recommendation on what KIND on braces to order him (we have recently been discussing different options). Then there was the doctor that was on vacation so he couldn't sign the new prescription. Then there was the insurance supervisor who didn't think that she should approve the insurance coverage for them. UGH!
The therapist I get. Although I do wish that the agency would have people to cover for them when they are gone (it happens A LOT!).
The doctor I get. He is fabulous and hardly ever takes any time off.
But the insurance company??? Give me a break! First off the braces that got broke were over 3.5 years old and really were worn out. Secondly, it was an ACCIDENT! We didn't plan it. Thirdly, in the 9+ years that Nathaniel has worn braces this is the first time EVER that we have broken ANY THING on them! And fourthly, darned it, the kid needs them to walk 12+ hours every single day! Get off your duff and approve them!

But we get to the office and he tells me that he can't cast without a signed order in hand. If he casts before he won't get paid by the insurance company. I told him that they just called me to say it was all good, but that wasn't enough for him.
Man did I pitch a fit at this point! Serious tears of frustration.
I called the insurance company and offered to drive over to pick it up to drive it back to the brace makers and be done with it, but was told that the nurse had to process the paperwork and that could take up to 3 days.
More tears of frustration!
About two minutes latter the supervisor at the insurance company called me back. This was our conversation:
S: "My assistant said it sounded like you were at the brace makers on your last call. Is that correct?"
Me: "Yes, we had an appointment already scheduled this morning."
S: "So have him cast you while you are there."
Me: "He won't. He says you won't pay without him having the paper in his hand."
S: "Tell him you spoke to me."
Me: "I already tried that."
S: "Well for heavens sake!" And she hangs up.

"Give that to Tead when he comes back in"

Somehow it was the authorization and we could cast right away!!!!!

Answered prayers, right?

The brace maker was leaving for vacation two days latter!!!
But at least we got casted, and Tead KNOWS we are praying for them fast.
AND Nat got to pick out his new plastic.....
Sports balls of course!

Can I just say... some nights I HATE blogger and it's spacing/sizing issues!!!! UGH!