
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Fun & Friends!

Just a few pics from a fun get together a while ago that I never got to post...
I love entertaining, and our new house and new living arrangements seem to lend themselves to this so much better. No grumpy, unpredictable man who doesn't like people over, a bigger house, and a GREAT backyard! And I was in the mood for steaks, so we had friends over and a impromptu BBQ!
Audrey and Kaia being silly!

You would think she has never seen corn on the cob before.....

Is that kid ever done posing??

It must be a miracle....

They are happy AND playing together without fighting!!!

And I have the proof!!! I caught it on film....
Well not really on film, I guess that saying doesn't work in this digital age! But you know what I mean!!

Can't wait to share our new home with more friends!! And since I am almost done unpacking and putting it together COME ON OVER!!! Seriously, we would love to have you :)

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