Today was my dear mom's birthday!
And we were super lucky, because my grandma (her mom) was still hanging out with us tonight!! So we just HAD to do a little something...
After the HUGE shindig that we did last year (surprise party with lots of yummies) we decided to be LOW KEY this year! But we ended up having an impromptu dinner party!
After the HUGE shindig that we did last year (surprise party with lots of yummies) we decided to be LOW KEY this year! But we ended up having an impromptu dinner party!
Faline and I managed to get this yummy dinner put together, even WHILE working all day today! (I *LOVE* the crock pot!!) So on tonight's menu was zuchinni, Pear & Feta Salad, APricot Glaxed Chicken and rice.
So we gathered for a family dinner. With us in celebration tonight the little person table: Audrey, Josie, Nathaniel & Brianna. And at the grown up table were Faline, Mom, Dad, Grandma & myself. Mark joined us a little latter.
Audrey snuggled with her daddy.
Brianna tried to play patty cake with Nathaniel.
And then Josie and Brianna entertained us all with a few rounds of patty cake on speed!!
Finally (in the kids eyes) Grammie opened her card .. with a lot of help from Audrey! Audrey even practiced reading to help Grammies' tired eyes...
And Audrey, ever so seriously, supervised the opening of the present. As intent as she was you would have thought that she hadn't JUST helped wrap it a few hours before!!
We did make the mistake of letting Faline wrap the present... so there was WAY too much tape on it! Audrey got the letter opener to help Grammie, while Grammie thought that the kitchen scissors would be a better option!
I do think that we had a hit with the flip frame filled with pictures that we gave her for a present... and we were way happy with the AMAZING deal we got on it!! Love it when those things all work together for the best!
Did you happen to notice in the pictures that at some point Audrey seemed to loose her headband??
That does look like a wonderful evening! Everyone looks happy to be together. Made me smile! Happy Birthday to your mom!