
Saturday, October 3, 2009

Oh Oh Oh!!! So Much FUN!!!

We just had the MOST FUN evening!!! I have been looking forward to this visit for WEEKS and it finally happened! We (Faline, myself and all four kids) got to go hang out with the Kennedy family!! Now you might be saying "So you got to go hang out with friends.... what's the big deal?" Well, the big deal is that we have never really MET this family... but we feel like we have!! (Well if you want to be really honest, April and I met almost 6 years ago very briefly, but we just figured that out!) April and I have been "blog friends" for almost a year now. I know her family through reading her great blog found HERE and she knows us from reading this blog.
You see, these two boys actually brought us together! The one in brown is my son Nathaniel and the cutie pie in grey is April & Dave's son Blake. Both of these troopers were born with the same birth defect (even though I hate that word!), Spina Bifida. In the last year April and I have reconnected in the online world, both blogging about life, and therefore life as a moms of special need kids! Tonight both of our families got together for the first time!

After checking out surf shops in SLO for Dave, we headed down to Pismo Beach to have dinner. At this table we have Dave, Blake, April, Faline, Nathaniel and myself. (don't trust the teenagers with the camera too much... not such clear pictures!)

This sweetheart is Kaia, April & Dave's daughter.

And these goofballs are Audrey (hiding), Brianna (don't ask about that face), Kaia and Josie (taking the term "say cheese" a little too seriously!)

After dinner we headed down to the beach to play on the swings. I love the beach and I love swinging on swings, so this was a real treat for me! But the best part is that the kids ran off TONS of energy!!

The two performers (Kaia & Josie) had to strut their stuff on the beach... so cute!

The kids had lots of fun on the swings!

Cutie Blake, minus his front teeth!

Wow... a good picture of Nathaniel! He was having so much fun! Blake has never met another child with Spina Bifida outside of a clinic setting, so the boys were having fun together!

The mommies had to swing too, of course!

More strutting...

And sand rolling...
I don't KNOW!!

And Kaia got into the sand rolling too!!

And the mommies played on the swings and talked while the kids ran and played... and Dave.. he's there hanging with us too! I am not sure if he was more comfortable with the adults or the kids, but he was a trooper all the same!

Don't they look like they are having fun??

And would you look at those cute feet on Blake!!! Oh man, what a blessing!!! I love Nathaniel's unique little feet, but Blake's a so... NORMAL looking! And did you notice no braces too? He only has to wear his part time, Yea Blake!

April and Dave (and he is sporting his new CCS shirt!)

And here is one more shot of Audrey... Just because!! :)
I am smiling and feeling blessed tonight to have had the opportunity to hang with this great family tonight! We MUST do it again too! How fun.

1 comment:

  1. We had SO MUCH FUN too! What a great night. We love your family. Dave was completely comfortable with all us gals and problem! You got some great pictures. I will be stealing them for our blog. I love the first one of Nathaniel and Blake. What two cuties! I'm going to print that one and put it in Blake's room for him. My kids loved playing and hanging out with your kids and we will definitely be making our way to SLO again to hang out! I also love the picture of the three of us girls on the swings. Last night was a very special night for our family....we created memories last night that will last a lifetime! Thank you.


Love to hear what you think!