
Sunday, May 9, 2010


Ok, I admit it....

I have been in a serious FUNK lately.

I am tired of feeling Blah...
Feeling used....
Feeling like yesterdays trash.
I am tired of being told I am old, and fat, and just no fun anymore!

But the truth is... I LOOK old ... and fat.... and probably a bit boring!
Just look at all of that grey hair!

I have an entire streak of it that is pure white.... somehow I don't think that screams young and fun to anyone!

Vain? Maybe.

Small minded? Sure.

But personally.... I am done with it :)

I am dropping weight like crazy, and sure hope to hit my 5 to 7 pounds a month goal by the end of 2010 (and I am doing great on that goal), but that is a long ways off. I want instant gratification NOW! So I decided to dye my hair last night. I usually don't color my hair because it ALWAYS comes out orange, no matter WHAT I do! But I decided, why not? Orange can't be any worse than grey :)

So here it is.....

My new color...

In my "made up" do....

But to be honest I hardly ever wear my hair down. It's too long and gets in my way too much.

This is more my everyday look:

Now I will admit this isn't what used to be my everyday look. This used to be my at home look. But that all changed with Jonathan. He liked it this way, so I would wear it like this more often. But I can't blame it on him anymore. The crazy thing? EVERY TIME I wear it this way someone comments on it in a positive way. It has gotten to be quiet funny to me actually. But hey, a girl can get used to positive comments! And especially this girl, who is feeling a bit Blah and Funkish recently! I can use all the feel good comments I can get :)

So what do you think?
Is it orange?
But it's better than the grey, right?


  1. It doesnt look too orange, it looks great! good job.

  2. I love the color. It instantly made you look younger and brought a glow to your face. Wear it proudly girl!


Love to hear what you think!