I keep thinking that things will settle down and I will get back on a blogging schedule... but then reality hits! So hang tight with me, while I run a steady week behind! But at least this way I am not blogging about all of the same things as everyone else....
We started the day at church... all 6 of us at church, it must have been a miracle!
It was a sort of family day at church. Pastor took Nathaniel up on stage to share what God has been doing with Project Surf Camp
It was a sort of family day at church. Pastor took Nathaniel up on stage to share what God has been doing with Project Surf Camp
I know this picture is blurry, but it was so darned cute how Nathaniel demonstrated "popping up" for everyone! Sweet!
Then it was time for the cheer leaders (or some of they anyways) from Mega Sports Camp to show off their memory verse and a cheer too.
You might notice Josie and Audrey in these pictures.
Then Brandie had a surprise for EVERYONE...
I knew the KIDS were singing some of the songs that they had learned at VBS...
But I had NO IDEA she was going to make the volunteers get up there too! Silly Brandie!
After church it was off to the festival in town for the 4th..
While the festival was fun, we really went because Josie was singing with part of the choir there!
We also ran into some special friends there, which was way cool!
And there was a a full color guard presentation, which always brings me to tears.
Love it.... mouth open as usual!
This stop was much more fun than I thought it would be!
And I even captured a picture or two of Miss Grumpy!
After the choir was finished singing we jumped in the car and headed to the valley. The kids were surprisingly good on the 2 hour trip there, and traffic was light, so we got in in good spirits! After visiting in the heat for a bit we decided it was time....
After the choir was finished singing we jumped in the car and headed to the valley. The kids were surprisingly good on the 2 hour trip there, and traffic was light, so we got in in good spirits! After visiting in the heat for a bit we decided it was time....
to break out the water guns!!!
I think that this is quickly becoming a Family Tradition for the 4th
we even remembered to bring some spare clothes this year...
While Josie had a blast ... (and killed water guns somehow..)
And Faline got INTO it all (even going two fisted when her daughter broke her big gun!)...
Audrey was VISCOUS with the gun (and the wettest out there!)...
I was WINNING big time!
And Nat was even having a blast out there... laughing his head off!
So have you noticed WHO is missing form the pictures?
Who REFUSED to touch a water gun?
Yep... Little Miss Grumpy WOULD NOT play with us!
But at least she took good pictures :)
Faline did seem to get a bit damp...
But Josie decided I was too dry, so she had to CHEAT!!!
WHO gave those children BUCKETS???? It was a WATER GUN war.... buckets are cheating!!
Silly girl still lost :)
Nat didn't seem to mind loosing much.. then again it was 100 + degrees!
After we cleaned up from the water, it was time for Josie to open her 8th grade promotion present
Another family tradition....
A handmade quilt from GGmama for 8th grade promotion!
After all of this it was time for a nice quiet dinner...
Oh that's right. I had 4 kids with me! There is no such thing as a quiet dinner with 4 kids!! But they were FAIRLY well behaved considering that they were at their Great grandparents house. It was fun to visit and hang out without the stress of planning to spend the night.
After dinner we head out the valley to watch the sun set and the city fireworks.
While this is my favorite part of the night SOME people prefer text messaging incessantly instead of watching the Majesty of God!
While we waited I passed time one of my favorite ways..
Snapping pictures of the cutest kids around!
Or sassiest.....
The Girls...
Time for the BEST part of the 4th of July!!!
I lOVE fireworks!!!
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