
Saturday, September 11, 2010

Fun at the Fair...

I REALLY am trying to clean up pictures... and I keep finding great outings that never got blogged with the business of life these days... so enjoy so fun fair pictures.... a month latter! :)
 I really do love the new (to me at least) feature of uploading a ton of pictures at once, but I haven't figured out how to get them in the right order! So this is Bri showing her pig (which was the first activity of our morning) and the rest of her are at the end of the post.
 And here is Josie....
 Such concentration in Showmanship....

 Audrey and Nathaniel were obsessed with the Mutton Busting....
Josie and friends...
 Audrey was too old to ride the sheep, but she liked doing the sheep scramble.
 In this one Audrey and her sort of cousin Kaitlyn had to case down the sheep with the ribbon on it's back side and remove the ribbon....
 They were totally NOT into chasing the sheep... they did the sneak up and sweet talk approach. It was hilarious!
 Since Kaitlyn was scarred of the live sheep, but they wanted her to win too they tried this.....
 But Kaitlyn still wouldn't have a THING to do with it! 
 We tried hand holding.... 
 We tried tempting her....
 Then we tried bribery... here is Audrey whispering her suggestions on what K would like to be bribed with!
 We even tried cute cowboys....
 K finally heard something she wanted, walked right up and grabbed it... what a little con artist!
 Here is Dominick, Buster, Audrey and Kaitlyn after everything was all done!
 The thing that finally caught K's interest??
 Face painting!
 This woman was fantastic!

 Since we were on an animal roll, we went to the pig races next....
 Where Audrey's pig won!
 So she got a snout and to do the victory funny!
 Nat's favorite stop was the shooting gallery

Oh.. and here are the missing pictures of Brianna!! :)

Overall a very fun family day!

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