
Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I am in Awe.....

Sitting here in Awe struck wonder....

And so humbled.....

And so grateful.....

And so amazed!

It has been a DAY. It started off with Nat in a BAD mood. He fought and fought with his aide this morning. I FINALLY dropped the kids off at school and dashed into town for Dr appointment #1. Sat through that hour (and yes, did get some questions answered, but really felt like I was "doing time" half of the time), then it was off to figure out a problem at the Housing Authority. Thank goodness they are better in person than they are on the phone! Then I was supposed to go to church to work on the Children's room, but had to cancel. I ran by Salvation Army, only to learn that they don't do what I needed anymore. Bummer. Then it was off to BB to meet "the crew". While there dismantling my sewing area and loading it in the truck I had 4 customers walk in... chaos! Next was a dash to the house to unload the truck in 10 minutes flat. Race to the school to pick up Nathaniel and head off to Doctor's appointment #2. Boy were they running late! And here we learned that, yes, Nathaniel truly does need the next surgery very soon. They will be scheduling it and in contact with me soon. (Nat and I prayed for a clear answer.. .and we got the clear part, just not the answer we wanted!) Without much time to spare, we headed back North to an agency that Salvation Army told me about (wow... they were so kind and helpful!) and then Doctor's appointment #3. Love, Love, Love that Dr.... he just heals my heart! But no sooner than we were done there were we dashing off to get our harvest bag and head back home to work on my sewing area. All of this before we pulled into our driveway at 3:30 this afternoon!

So Faline calls to say that she had someone drop some stuff off for me, and she would be to the house soon. Before I knew what happened, I was knee deep in homework with the kids, and construction with Faline. I totally forgot she said she had something for me.... so a few minutes ago (about 10 pm) she says to me "we have to get your stuff out of my car now". I was confused, but what else is new! So she said she would carry it in and I could put it away.

Bag 1 was nice.
A blessing to us.

Bag 2 was a "wow.. this is GREAT" moment.

Bag 3 had me shocked.

And then Faline showed me the boxes of stuff she had already put away in my freezer when I wasn't looking....

All from a perfect stranger.
A person who inquired on a item I had for sale on a Craigslist ad.
Who read my blog from the signature in my email.
And who is a Sister in the Lord.

And here I sit in awe...
complete awe....

How GREAT is OUR God???

And how wonderful it is to be surrounded by His love....

Even His love through a perfect stranger who listens to His leading!

I am humbled and thankful for His perfect provision today,
and yet,
I can't wait for the season when I get to be the blesser....

And through my tears and my awe struck wonder
I say


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