
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

How Blessed am I?

I can't not express with words how much it means to me each time one of you leaves me a comment! My heart sings with joy at the words of encouragement and understanding you share with me.

I often post knowing there are no answers. Only He has the answers, and He will provide them as I need. But many times I need to just share my heart. And I choose to share in an honest manner. I never try to tear anyone down with my words, but I do try to b honest because there is nothing I hate worse than the people who pretend to have it all together when they don't! So sometimes the cries of my heart come out in my words... that is just how my life rolls!

But then I open comments and see the words "I am praying for you" and NOTHING could touch me more.


That people would take the time out of their day to remember my children and I in their prayers is the HIGHEST honor in my opinion. Often times these people I have only "met" through our words online, and yet their stories touch my heart so deeply and their words are such a blessing in my life.

So from the bottom of my heart, with humble tears of honor,


For reading our life.
For walking this journey with us.
For your kinds words.
For your encouragement.
And for your prayers.

You all Bless me beyond words.

I often ponder how some people get through life without the Lord.
And recently I have began to ponder how people get through without like minded people in their lives.
I don't know how I ever got through this journey of life without my blog friends.....
But I am SO THANKFUL I have this community and family now!

1 comment:

  1. I, too, feel so blessed knowing that we are not alone in this journey. Not only do we have the Lord, but we have our sweet spina bifida community that have become true friends!


Love to hear what you think!