It's time to meet the Soares Family Pirates!
Okay, okay... so I am a TAD BIT late posting Halloween pictures....
But they are CUTE!
And let's face it, EVERYONE else posted a few weeks ago, so you were probably on Halloween burn out, but now? It's cute again :)
Well... I can tell myself that right?
I am actually very pleased with these costumes this year. I only spent $5.00 TOTAL for the three costumes! Everything else we had on hand and I could throw it together to come up with these cute looks!
We had fun dressing up as a Pirate Family and spending some fun time together on Halloween.
First we headed over to the Pumpkin Patch to hang out and get some cool pumpkins...
Look! They are actually BOTH smiling in the same picture!! HOW did that happen? I know, a fluke hu?
Then we headed over to a local church that throws an AMAZING Harvest Festival for the community on Halloween. We had a blast, as usual.
There was trunk or treating...
with GREAT decorations!
And fun games, and yummy cotton candy and even pony rides...
I would love to post the rest of the pictures...
But I guess I post too many pictures because Blogger just told me I ran out of free storage space!
That bites.... but I guess some are better than none :)
And I will have to figure out how to create more free space in the morning, because I don't do well at problem solving at 3 am :)
Hope you enjoyed the pictures!
I know I enjoyed hanging out with my little pirates!
Great photos, Gretchen!