
Friday, April 22, 2011

Read All Day....

Every one in a while Nathaniel's class does a read all day day....

They get to bring their blankets, stuffed animals and favorite books....

Then they chill out and read....

All day long....

I think it is the BEST idea ever!

Watching friends read together, share their books and interests, and learn that reading is FUN!

I really like this kid.... notice the shoes NEXT to him, not on his feet!

I love this idea so much I went in to take pictures of the recent read all day day for the year book, but thought that they were so sweet I would share them here too!

Nat and his best bud reading together.... pretty cool hu?

I wish more teachers just let thekids read and learn in fun ways like this!

What do your teachers do that you love?
What memories from school do you treasure?

1 comment:

  1. I love this idea! Hopefully, great ideas like this will spread and other schools and teachers will do it too!



Love to hear what you think!