
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Easter 2011!!!

Yup, this is ANOTHERpost!

This is Easter 2011!!! 

And, unless you are WEEKS behind on your blog reading (like your truly here!) I can say I saved these pictures until you weren't SO SICK of seeing every one's Easter pictures, because of course MY kids are the cutest EVER! (Just kidding!)

Nathaniel took egg hunting VERY seriously this year, and he was TOTALLY pissed that he had to wait till AFTER church AND lunch to hunt! 

He was also WAY TOO BUSY hunting to show me his face in ANY of the pictures I was trying to take!

This is one of the VERY FEW pictures I got of them in the same frame!

Silly Kids!

Audrey kept going back and forth between being a proper princess and being gunge hoe for the eggs...
It was pretty funny to watch her!

Check out that darling headband I made her HERE!

The other funny thing was watching the kids being so suspicious of each other...

It was like they both thought the other had some kind of insider information!

Do you SEE this expression???

It is TOTALY a "What in the heck is this Mom?" expression!
"Is this a trick question Mom?" type expression....
Because THAT is a bouncy ball NOT an Easter egg that she found!
And I can NOT tell you how funny it was the attitude she got over it!
The haul! 


  1. Hi
    My name is Jenna and I came across your site. your kids are amazing, and inspirational. I was born with a rare life threatening disease.

  2. Don't worry, I still haven't gotten mine off my camera, so you aren't behind :). The pictures are very cute and you did a great job on the headband!!!


Love to hear what you think!