Sometimes God just pours out the blessings on you, and today was one of THOSE days for us!
My mom and Audrey got here late last night, and my momma is FABULOUS so I got to sleep at the family house with Audrey last night while mom stayed with Nathaniel at the hospital. I slept so great in a REAL bed, not having to worry about Nathaniel... so great in fact that I slept right through the alarm this morning! 8 whole hours of sleep, I don't think I have done that in like 3 weeks! Plus I can't tell you how great it was to have BOTH of my kids with me all day today. What a blessing!
When Audrey and I finally got to the hospital, we all took Nathaniel downstairs and had breakfast together in the cafeteria, where we received a great surprise!
The other day when I had my mini break down one of the guys I called was my good buddy Terry from church at home. Terry also happens to be involved with a group called Black Sheep, and he called on the Oakland Chapter of the Black Sheep to shower some love on us!
The Black Sheep is a Christian Harley Davidson Group, and my buddy Terry is the chaplain for the group in our area. One of the GREAT things about belonging to the family of Christ is that we are ALL FAMILY, so when Terry called the Oakland group and told them about Nathaniel and I being up here, a group of them got together and came over to visit us!
They found us in the cafeteria (which was probably a good thing, I doubt that half of them would have fit in our room!) where they hung out and talked to us, prayed with us, invited me to church with them, and gave me contact info so I could call them if or when we need anything. I LOVE true brothers and sisters in Christ, they make you feel Jesus's love even if it is the first time you have laid eyes on them. This group was great!
They brought Nathaniel some cool gift like another new blanket, a new testament and we all got their coins. So sweet!
And when they got ready to leave we went downstairs so the kids could see their bikes. Nat couldn't go out of the hospital, but Audrey could, so she got to sit up on one of the bikes! She was THRILLED, as she has always loved motorcycles, and this one was even PURPLE. Happy girl!!
After the visit from the Black Sheep Nathaniel had his therapy sessions for today. When he came back from therapy we had another surprise! Our dear friends Bea, Kaleb and Gavin came to see us! We took the kids down stairs for lunch, then out to a playground that patients and families are allowed to use.
It was so great to see the kids playing with some of their best friends and it was SO GREAT to have one of my best friends here with me for the afternoon. What a blessing!
Audrey and Gavin are great playmates and always have fun together.
And today was the first time that Nathaniel has been outside since June 4th! It was so good to see him outside and chilling. He even got out of his chair a bit and sat on the toys. Love my rock star boy!
Where the playground is seems like it might have originally been the front of the building, the architecture there was so beautiful and Bea and I were really enjoying it!
After hanging out with our dear friends for a few hours they had to hit the road and go back south. Then it was time for a little family time. Gramie, Audrey, Nathaniel and I played some board games and had lots of giggles. Gramie didn't fair so well at Sorry (finally I wasn't the only one loosing!) but we all did pretty well at Uno! Lots of fun together.
At the end of games Nathaniel was EXHAUSTED, we had him out playing almost all day. So we tucked him and Gramie in at the hospital and Audrey and I headed back to the family house. Gramie and Audrey are leaving on an early train tomorrow morning, so Audrey and I packed them up and cleaned our room up.
Yes, I even did chores today! A load of laundry and cleaned my room. Aren't I a good girl? LOL
Now Audrey and I are curled up cuddling as she heads back home tomorrow.
I feel like such a blessed girl today!
We do have one prayer request tonight.....
Nathaniel has had a hard time regulating his bowels back out since the surgery. At first he was too stopped up, and now he has the opposite problem. It is getting on all of our nerves and he is really frustrated by the whole issue, so could you please join me in praying that he balances back out?? The bible teaches us that God wants us to involve him in EVERY aspect of our lives... so here is a great way to practice the EVERY part!
We love you so much and are so blessed that you are on this journey with us!
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