
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Hidden Treasures

I sure have been a "Debbie Downer" recently haven't I?
I don't mean to, it is just that journey had gotten to the point that it totally overwhelmed my spirit. But Just like he always does, God brought the rainbow.
But before we head out for good, I do want to praise the Lord for the treasures along the way... Things I feel like my recent gloom has prevented me from praising Him for enough.
Thank you Lord for a safe bed. When Nathaniel first came out of surgery he could not stand AT ALL on his own. But he kept forgetting that and trying to get up out of bed. Someone had to be with him CONSTANTLY, but when family went home and it was me alone, that was too much. With this bed, I could zip him in, clip the locks and walk away. I didn't have to worry about his safety and that was HUGE. 24/7 bedside vigil is just impossible for one person to do alone!
Thank you Lord for nurses after your heart. This nurse was one of the BIGGEST blessing of our whole trip. She was AMAZING. She loved on us. She took AMAZING care of Nathaniel. She went to Trader Joes and brought us real food. She got batteries from her house for Nathaniel's remote control car. She hugged on me when I couldn't handle anymore and broke down in tears. She fought for what we needed. She even brought me fresh nectarines off of her tree. Nurse Debbie is a jewel of God, and an amazing sister. We are SO blessed that she was our primary nurse!
Thank you God for simple things... like AMAZING instant coffee so I had something to look forward to every morning when I woke up. Coffee here was close to $4 a cup, which is RIDICULOUS, so the Via that a dear friend gave me was a life saver. No one waned to face me in the morning without at least one cup in me!
Thank you Lord for a GREAT Rehab therapy team, but especially this AWESOME Physical Therapist that pushed Nat so hard without him even realizing he was working! This is the reason we stayed here so long, so Nathaniel could get this amazing therapy multiple times a day. I KNOW this is one of the reasons he is making such great gains.

Thank you Lord for AMAZING friends that made the LONG trip up to visit us while we were on this journey. These trips were pure breaths of fresh air. Bea, Tammy, MeLissa and April, you will never know how deeply your sacrifices touched my heart and helped my spirit.
Thank you Lord for GREAT activities and blessings to the children being treated here! From personal screenings of Monsters University, to Joy Jars delivered by Chicago Bears football players, to sweet gifts from Child Life, to this amazing visit, and so much more. There were always special things for the kids to be blessed with while they are here.
Thank You Lord for this court yard, which became my sanctuary while we were here. This girl needs her fresh air, and God scenery and space, and this court yard was a safe place that I was allowed to take Nathaniel with me to get those things I needed. I don't think I could have survived here without this place. I laid on the benches here and talked on the phone or listened to my iPod for hours. Nat played here daily. And it was just our sane place to go.
Thank you Lord for new friends, brothers and sisters in Christ, who gave freely of their time to bless this family they had never heard of before. And especially Mina, who continues to bless me with her friendship and support all the way through this journey! What a treat to meet, be blessed by and bless others through our storm.
 And most of all, Thank You Lord, for EVERY SINGLE individual who made this journey with us. From brand new friends on line, to brothers and sisters from church, from dear sweet friends to community members who saw our story and joined with us, from family to the strangers we met on the elevator that we stopped and prayed with. Thank you Lord for EVERY single prayer that was uttered on our behalf, for every tear cried, for every hug given, for every text message, for every Facebook message or comment, for every phone call and for every conversation. Thank you Lord that every step of the way we were wrapped in YOUR family and you NEVER left our side. Without the outpouring of love, support and prayer we have gotten we could never have completed this race.... and the finish line for this leg of the race is right there in front of us!!
So right now, in this moment, I am on my knees praising the Lord, for He is SO good.... ALWAYS!

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